Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm fed up with NFL rules

Man football used to be a much more exciting sport. Don't get me wrong it's still very fun to watch. But with all the rule changes it's starting to get annoying. EVERYTHING is scrutinized! Did he have full control when the ball crosses the line? Did the defender touch his jersey before he got up? Was the quarterback's arm moving forward at all when the ball came out? Blah Blah Blah. I saw a play this week where a player was "down by contact" because his knee was down and a player touch his jersey. And another player grazed his facemask. Literally that was the only "contact" made. The receiver probably didn't even feel it. Challenges can be exciting in the sense that it's all coming down to this call but this call shouldn't be based on stupid technicalities. If he catches the ball and gets to the endzone before he is tackled it should be a touchdown. And what really pisses me off is this helmet to helmet stuff. I understand that they want to protect the QB but come on the lineman is not thinking "let me make sure I don't hit his helmet with my helmet" and he shouldn't have to. He knows he has a short amount of time to hit the QB so he tries as fast as he can to get to him. It's not intentional I'm pretty sure. Any more rule changes and they might as well wear flags and no pads.

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