Friday, December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Eminem, Jay-z, Dr Dre, 50 cent, Stat Quo, and Ca$his- Syllables

OH MY GOODNESS. (I don't like typin the acronym for that. It makes me feel like a teenage girl). Em, Dr. Dre, Mr. Illuminati, 50, Stat Quo, and Ca$his? Wow. Lmao at Em's fake hook. Even 50 did work and he's not great in my opinion. Sounded more like old 50 =) I'm not very familiar with Ca$his I've only heard him on like one song but his verse was dope. Pretty much everyone impressed me on this track.

Eminem feat. Jazmine Sullivan- Cocaine

Say what you will about Em but his skills are amazing. This song reminds me a lot of "careful what you wish for" but with a pretty voice added.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wale feat. Yung Joc-911

Not a Yung Joc fan. Good thing he didn't spit. Wale would have killed him. But somethin bout this song makes me like it. Probably Wale's flow. The hook ain't bad either. Beat is ehh.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cyhi you're lucky I already thought you were a good rapper

Okay let me start by saying I had never heard a Cyhi solo song before this mixtape. I kinda expected him to try harder on his own stuff than he would somebody else's. I was wrong. Kinda. His best verses are still on Kanye's songs (Take one for the team and so appalled) and even impressed me on B.o.B.'s "higher". But anyway he started off alright then there is a stretch of songs that just are a waste of time. You might as well skip "Record us" and "Switchin positions". The two before that aren't great either. Then there is sort of a transition and he gets to "like a swinger" which I liked. And it basically just gets better from there. So it starts out pretty good, then goes to really bad, then goes to great at the end. As I told my friend, it looks like he saved the best tracks for last. a risky move because if i didn't like him already i never woulda got to the really good songs. But yes, if you haven't heard him before, try listenin to stuff he's featured on to get your confidence in him up. haha. Overall I think it's a pretty good mixtape though because there are more good songs than sucky ones. And I still say Cyhi is dope as an artist so don't get that confused

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Maybe I should change the name from One Step Closer

I've recently noticed that listening to Linkin Park doesn't help me the way it used to. I have a playlist especially for when I am really angry and it's titled "one step closer" after one of their songs. I tried listening to their music and the songs didn't have much of an effect. Then I got to the Three Days Grace part of the playlist. =) These songs do for me what Linkin Park songs used to. And that is get me through my anger. Which is very important as I was just talking to a good friend of mine telling her that listening to music is a good way to deal with anger or other bad feelings. How bad would it be if after saying this it stopped working for me? Well, I'm glad my favorite band is there when my previous favorite band failed me. No disrespect to Linkin Park I still like their music. Maybe one of those Three Days Grace songs should be the namesake.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Love It.

why does the second guy sound like busta rhymes?

Monday, December 13, 2010


Thank God the stadium wasn't full when it happened.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Make THIS movie

Almost forgot how good this is

Pathetic. Get Alosi outta there.


Carroll handled it well but I probably wouldn't let Karlos Dansby go near a another microphone for a while. At least until he expands his vocabulary beyond "come on, man"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

B.o.B. "No Genre". don't miss it.

Ok I've been a fan of B.o.B. for a while. Ever since I heard him on "Change gon come". I've actually kinda defended him in coverstaions about his skills. That "nothin on you" song made it to the radio and ruined many opinions on him. Now let me clear this up, that song isn't bad but it's his worst song so far. If you want real B.o.B. listen to this mixtape. Dude turns it up in "Beast Mode" and doesn't stop goin hard. Some songs are just fun to hear like the "Sanford and Son" sample and there is a song called Dr. Aden that really makes you think. That's one of my favorites. Don't miss out.

Crooked I-Fireflies freestyle

this is an old song but I still like it. Fun to listen to.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Crooked I feat. Sally Anthony-Villain

It's good to hear the serious side of him every once in a while. I'm not one for slow songs but good lyrics trump all. And these are good lyrics. Still one of my favorite artists. That girl has a nice voice which is a bonus. Just an overall good song.
"guess i thought there was nothin else out there for a dropout raised on welfare. brave enough to rob a bank in a heartbeat but too scared to take my life elsewhere."

B.o.B.-Beast Mode

title says it all

Way to go rookie

Monday, December 6, 2010

R.I.P. Dandy Don Meredith

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wiz Khalifa- If I were a lame...lmao

My cousin nick showed me this a while back. dude is funny with this one. And Wiz is cool but I will never start a sentence with "Taylor gang or..."

eh I like it

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Movie Review: Due Date

I have been waitin to see this for while now. This is one hilarious movie. There is just comedy throughout yet they still manage to sneak some serious [sad] moments in there. I didn't expect that. But I think it made the movie even better somehow. If you like The Hangover you'll like this too it's similar in nature. And Zach Galifianakis is basically playing the same character because he acts just like he did in The Hangover. Jamie Foxx isn't in the movie very long so don't go for him. But yeah, it'll make definitely make you laugh. I'm gonna give it a high 8 out of 10

Another week, another fight.

Finnegan got handled

Monday, November 22, 2010

Another week in the NFL

some thoughts about this week[in football]:
2.Richard Seymour punched out big Ben lmao
3.Jeff Fisher is unprofessional("Young lost his spot injury or not" statement) and Vince Young is immature(stormin off after the game like a baby)
-side note: Who the eff is rusty smith? that doesn't even sound like a real name.
4.Jets keep cuttin it close. but they're goin all the way. Go Mark Sanchez =)
5. Bout time Childress got let go. he has no idea what he's doin.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1

That movie was Amazing. Honestly that should be the only thing said. Ish gets real Immediately. None of the little kids stuff from the other movies. This one is no joke. Complete epicness. Great film. Perfect 10. Go see it now.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Congrats to Jason Garrett on being 1 for 1 as head coach. They played like they should today. Kitna may be old but he can still play. And Dez still hasn't disappointed me yet. He's gonna be great. Rookie of the year status. I almost forgot what it feels like to win. Feels good. =)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Charles Hamilton

(2nd track on my playlist)

Thanks for all the tracks. =)
Dude is ONE OF my favorite rappers. Not my favorite, mind you. But definitely in the top 5.

Monday, November 8, 2010

You're Fired

Now I don't believe that this guy was the sole reason for our disaster of a season. The players have to take most of the blame because they are the ones losing games. But oh well let's see how Jason Garrett does.

Some words I live by

Matthew 6: 25-27
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

Basically why stress yourself out? God will take care of you so don't worry yourself. No good will come of it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I wish I could see more of this guy's stand up

I recently realized he's the guy that kept hittin the table in Dave Chappelle's Tupac song skit. haha he's been on that show a couple times.

too much goin on

This is like 10 movies in one. It's either going to make no sense or be the most epic movie ever made. Or both. Too bad they The Expendables used up all the action movie people so there were none left for this. They had to use high school musical girl. LMAO

Kanye West-Looking for Trouble

G.O.O.D. Music and J.Cole? Genius idea. They all pretty much did work. Big Sean really impressed me though. However, J. Cole still had the best verse.
"what you been prayin for. what you been screamin bout. ironic you been sleepin on the one that you been dreamin bout"

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kanye & Pusha T freestyle

no beat, no problem. I wish Flex would shut up though. Man G.O.O.D. music is lookin like the Lakers of the hip hop game lately. Pusha was a good acquisiton. Just waitin for Malice to show up.
"Choke a South Park writer with a fish stick" lmao go kanye.

MC Hammer-Better Run Run (Jay-z diss)

Jay-z: "Mr. devil can u give me a sign?
Devil: "throw the roc up that's one of mine"
Wow! Hammer went in on mr. illuminati himself. lmao.
Jay did start it though with "unlike Hammer 30 million can't hurt me" in Kanye's I'm so appalled track. My favorite part is at the 4:30 mark when the Devil is standin over Jay while he is writin that "Jesus can't save you" line for Empire State of Mind. What I respect most is that this is a completely overt diss. No undertones, no hints, just REAL.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Really Randy?

I just have to say this. Randy Moss is easily one of the best wide receivers to play the game of football. Yet he's been on four different teams? And three this year? Really? The vikings have a 2-5 record, a 41 year old quarterback who is obviously conflicting with the coach, has been caught in a harassment scandal, and injured his ankle a while back. He wasn't so much as benched. So Randy, HOW DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO GET KICKED OFF THIS TEAM AFTER A MONTH? And the titans think it's a good idea to take him? We'll see where he is at the end of the season.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Don't scare people.

dude doesn't even have a costume why is he takin candy?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lupe Fiasco- The Show Goes On

Haha they sampled Float On and I love that song. This is such a good song. Automatic download.

One thing stoppin me from dissin young money as a whole

Cory Gunz. He's too good to be in that group. It's a shame.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A turn 4 the worst

Sorry I took so long with this review I just got a chance to listen to the whole mixtape. I can't believe I haven't listened to a full Joe Budden mixtape before this. I'm kinda ashamed. I mean, this is already volume 4! I gotta make up for lost time and go acquire a whole lotta Joe Budden music. haha. This is really a dope mixtape I'm just kinda disappointed that Inception track isn't on it. Oh well it's still one of the best music projects I've heard in a while. Other members of Slaughterhouse spit some nice verses on it too. Don't make the same mistake I did. Listen to it.

Refs are slippin

Miami recovered it I don't care what anyone says =/

This is gonna be funny

Seth Rogen, Jason Bateman, those guys from Shaun of The Dead, this should be good.

Man if I was a football player I'd wear a pink jersey all through October

Wow they want to suspend referees who used pink whistles to support breast cancer research? What kinda crap is that? The whistles are "violating uniform protocol" they say and they have to show some discipline. That's ridiculous. Here's the story:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crooked I feat. Joell Ortiz-Hard in the Paint

I LOVE IT. Hopefully when waka flocka lame hears this he'll give up "rapping".
They always deliver. There's not even anything to say anymore. I got another shout out. "this what it sound like when ANARCHY, chaos, and pandemonium have a threesome." =)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I think I'm gonna start callin it RTV now

Ok I do like a few of the shows on MTV (Rob & Big, Fantasy Factory, Bully Beatdown)but they either need to reform the network or change the name. None of the shows I mentioned are about music. And all the crappy shows MTV puts on aren't either. It's all reality tv. Why not call it RTV? Is that taken? I think R.J. Berger might be the only show that is not reality. And parental control because I don't care what you say it's scripted. So somebody at the network needs to gradually introduce some more music into the schedule. VIDEOS IN THE CREDITS OF SHOWS DOESNT COUNT.

Ask Alphacat =)

Man this dude is hilarious. And we agree on so many things!(check out the 8:30 mark and 11:10 mark)


Lupe Fiasco Feat. All City Chess Club-I'm beaming remix

HOW DO I NOT HAVE THIS YET?? I'm ashamed of myself. All I can say. AND Charles Hamilton shouts me out by name(Anarchy in a ford). hahaha