Saturday, June 19, 2010

We love LA

I told my sister that if the Lakers won it all I'd start a blog. Don't ask why. I just did. Maybe subconsciously I really wanted to because c'mon we all knew the Lakers would win. Even with Kobe shooting 6 for 24. ouch. oh well this was a great series and postseason in general. We all remember that epic leap by Chris Brown's more talented twin. Too bad he missed that dunk. One of my favorite parts had to be Sasha hitting Dragic. Such bad acting by both of them. Priceless. I noticed even after Ron Artest played really well in the last game most people still hated on him. I wonder if he'll rap about that. lmao that "I wanna thank my hood" monologue was a perfect ending. But for real, he's probably insane. Kobe has five rings. Five. I won't go into depth about LeBron's lack of rings don't worry. However I did see a funny facebook page that said "Luke Walton has more rings than LeBron" I'm just glad to see the Lakers beat Boston because I can't stand the Celtics. That preteen Rondo, that weirdo Garnett, that random Irish lookin guy, I don't like any of em. Go Lakers. Now let's start a bigger and better riot

1 comment:

  1. lmfbooo . who was that random "celtic" redhead man ? smh .
